Indonesia is hosting the 41st Annual Meeting of the IDB Group Board of Governors. Jakarta, the evolving and most promising financial and economic center of Asia, will embrace the IDB Group annual meeting from the 15th to 19th of May 2016. Enhancing Growth and Poverty Alleviation through Infrastructure Development and Financial Inclusion will be the overall theme of this year’s meeting. The annual meeting will gather its 56 Governors, mostly finance and economy ministers, in addition to hundreds of policy makers and top leaders from its international and regional partner institutions. The Annual Meeting will also provide its stakeholders a platform to explore practical solutions, strengthen partnership and cooperation between its 56 member countries.
In conjunction with this significant event, the IDBG private sector entities (ICIEC, ICD, ITFC, ITAP and THIQAH) will be organizing the IDBG Private Sector Forum on 17th May, 2016 which will take place at Jakarta Convention Center (Cendrawasih Room #3), Jakarta-Indonesia, from 08:30AM to 06:30 PM.